Licensing & Permits

Registration begins January 1st for the licensed year.
- Animals must have current, up to date immunization records before a license may be issued.
- Dog and or cat licenses are $10.00 for all neutered and spayed animals and $13.00 for un-
neutered or un-spayed animals. - Licenses are required for all dogs and or cats on a yearly basis and due by April 30th of each
year before a $25.00 late fee is assessed.
All licenses may be obtained by visiting the Clerk’s Office at Borough Hall or by mail with a completed registration form and proof of rabies vaccination.

Applying for a Construction Permit in New Jersey? Visit the link below and fill out the form.
Please note that the nature of the construction project you are undertaking will dictate which of the subcode technical sections apply. Also, when submitting these forms to your Local Construction Code Enforcement Office, please provide one original plus three photocopies of each completed applicable form. However, for originals that are required to have a raised seal, the photocopies would also be required to contain this raised seal. In other words, fill out one form, photocopy it, then seal original and all copies.

- All businesses in the Borough of Berlin are required to obtain a mercantile license with the exception of the businesses licensed by the State of New Jersey
- Mercantile licenses are approved by the Governing Body
- Mercantile fees are set by Borough Code
- Applications with instructions may be obtained in the borough clerk’s office

- All apartments in Berlin Borough need to fill out an application giving specific information regarding the rental unit or units
- Applications may be obtained in the borough clerk’s office
- Apartment fees are $50.00 per year per unit

- Yard sale permits are required in the Borough of Berlin
- There is no fee for a Yard Sale Permit
- Permits may be obtained in the borough clerk’s office

- Raffle Licensing & Bingo
- State guideline applications may be obtained in the clerk’s office
- Applications should be submitted long in advance of event to give time for approval
- Most fees are $20.00 per event to the State of New Jersey and $20.00 to the municipality
- Additional fees will be required if applicable to type of game